Walk your own path


Okay so I'm in LA- Yay! (incase you couldn't tell from my countless posts etc!)

So after the 10+ hour flight delayed by 2 hours (not complaining at all- these things happen), and being up for 22+ hours, I had somewhat of an epiphany laying in bed, wide awake, hungry and jetlagged at 3am local time (11am UK).

On the full flight yesterday, after landing in LAX everyone was doing that awkward stand up half crouched, half pushing thing before the plane doors even opened. I really don't get that- I'm the sitting down straggler last off the plane at the back- but that's just me :) Anyway, I over heard 2 people standing next to me (I know, nosy right?) talking about how they both act, one of them lives here, and one has just come over to jump into any audition and just give it a real shot.

Now it is so human nature to see life as a competition, to secretly start comparing the people who have the same goals as you to yourself to see who is 'winning'. I fell into that trap. WHY?! I couldn't help but listen to them both and think 'Oh no, I'm not doing that, is that bad? Should I be selling everything I have and move to LA?' Hello irrational, tired ego.

This bugged me for the whole walk to baggage claim, and after, even on the journey back to our apartment. It was haunting me, the idea that I should just throw everything out the window and start in LA. Cue my epiphany- I'm here for my first cinematic feature film release. That hit a note with me. Not because I had one up on anyone, but because I had finally stopped to appreciate where I am, and acknowledge this experience as an achievement, and stop stressing about what I should or shouldn't be doing in a comparison to others.

My journey has taken me here for different reasons to those on a plane, and because of that I'll have a completely different experience, and that's okay! I'm learning to walk my own path, and to be proud of it for myself- So today I challenge you to think of one thing big or small that you've achieved in this past week and be proud of it for you! :)

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