The 'lucky' break


Okay, so I'm a firm believer in 'everything happens for a reason', and that when everything's right, things happen fast because it's the path you're meant to be on.

My 'lucky break' happened over a grand total of 4 days, at a time when I was least expecting it.  In that tiny amount of time I had got noticed by an LA casting company, organised a skype audition, completed it, and then got selected from the 2,300 applicants for one of the lead roles in the $50 million budget film 'David & Goliath'. Insane... I still don't think it's fully settled in... months later :)

So I promised someone I'd talk about getting the audition etc- basically I had let myself believe that my success was in the hands of 'fate' for the majority of 2013. I convinced myself that actors had all just had a series of 'lucky breaks' and that I just had to wait. What is the point in that?! Waiting- why wait? I got told at some point that no one was going to push for my dream as much as I would, and suddenly it was like a light had been switched on. My lull in roles was not due to lack of luck, but down to my lack of applications, my laid back approach to networking and my belief that if it was meant to be it'd happen. I'd somehow lost sight of the fact that it's my job to 'help it along' and needed stop focussing on 'I'll be happy when I get 'there'- to my 'destination'. I had to relearn to enjoy the journey and enjoy the now!

So I took back control. I rejoined casting websites, updated all of my profiles, my website, and began networking again. Suddenly, it was like a backlog of stuff just came through- casting after casting, which then led to filming, which has resulted in one already amazingly successful 2014 for me. It was at this point where I recieved a message on my 'Casting Call Pro', profile in reference to an application I had made. The LA casting company had offered me the opportunity to audition for a feature film set for cinematic release. I didn't have to think twice.

I then got sent my sides (lines) as ususal, and funnily enough everything just felt right. Auditioning for the Kings' daughter, I had the night before watched 'Pompeii', and for no reason at all had paid particular attention to Emily Brownings' portrayal of royalty. It all just clicked. I skyped the director who was in Morocco scouting locations and we talking about the ancient ruins where it was to be set, where we'd be staying, shooting days, and we ran the script a couple of times. I recieved postive feedback, and then told I'd hear.

Three days later I got the email of congratulations and was asked to confirm my availability for shooting.

As much as I still believe in everything happening for a reason, I learnt that I can take control and create my own luck- after all, who will push for your dream more than you?

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