Errrrr Hi


So I've never had a problem with talking-usually in any awkward situation I'm a pro at filling silences with unecessary babbling on about the weather and the like, however, this to me feels like a very one sided odd situation. Not born a blogger... clearly.

So, I'm a 21 year old actress from Milton Keynes and all of a sudden my career seems to have snowballed into one amazing whirlwind of experiences, and a family friend recently told me to stop, have a breath and write it all down because we forget so much.

So here I am, awkwardly introducing myself to what feels like an abyss, telling the computer my life story (who probably already knows it better than most), but I'm using this as a documentation for my journey into Hollywood, and if it can help others do the same (from one once struggling actress to others), I'm more than happy to continue doing so.

I always wanted the limelight but hated attention- hungry for the stage at a young age I gradually just fell into TV and film where everything clicked and I had found my calling... at 7 years old. Now people will tell you 21 is young to break into acting seriously- I get it, it is, but try telling that to a creative who's wanted something for 14 years who's treading water to keep their head in the game!

So that's my little opening- I'm openly strange, I used to introduce myself as a cliche for pursuing my dreams and I'm now recording my story from Milton Keynes to the red carpet :)

Feel free to say hi!

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