'It can happen...'


'It can happen, it does happen, but it can't if you give up'

I'm so so fortunate to be from a family of creatives- who due to the fact they're also following their dreams are crazy supportive of me, and have never told me to 'get a real job' like so many others. They really are my rock and support foundation, and I think everyone no matter what you do in life need one of these- whether it's family or friends, just someone to pick you up when you're down. Speaking of which my mum's written a 'crazy supportive' blog post about our impending red carpet trip linked here if you'd like to see it all from a 'mother of actress' perspective.

Anyway enough gushing about how grateful I am for my family spurring me on, I'm ranting today about giving up on your dreams. Everyone assumes that because their dreams may break the norm of today's expectations that it's out of reach- why? How have we programmed ourselves to think so low of our capabilities in comparison to others? It's crazy! What's the difference between me and say Kate Winslet? Okay location for starters, training and 'lucky breaks' but that's all envirnomental stuff, right? That can all be changed- fundamentally, we're the same.

Back to the quote at the top of this post- It has to be someone, so why can't it be you? Or me? Whether it's being an artist, designer, footballer etc whatever it is, it's happened to people just like us, so it is possible!

Tying into that is my own 'lucky break'- my first feature film role which is due for cinematic release in over 1,500 cinemas in the US early 2015, but I'll reveal more about that in tomorrow's post!

In the meantime, stick with your dream, and remember it is possible for everyone and anyone- so why not you? :)

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