Dear Makenna...


So already, only a matter of weeks back from my incredible red carpet walk in LA, I've found myself falling back into a slump. Surviving, not living and letting life just tick over and go on. NO MORE! :)

It got till today, a normal day, an actual day off and I'm laying there picking apart how tired I am and hungry and bla bla bla. Cue lightbulb. I've felt like this before, I've done this to myself before, and I'm not conciously going to do it again.

A while ago I found an amazing book 'Creating a bug free mind'. No plugging here for it, or forcing it upon you, but this book has literally dragged me out of this slump before, so I picked it up again. Rereading it, even just a chapter completely flipped my attitude, my mindset and so my mood!

You learn that your emotions are your choice. I have currently chosen the slump, chosen to run the 'rat race', and chosen to focus on all the parts of my life that I see as unsuccessful currently. Well no more. I've decided to once again wake myself from my 'walking sleep', living my life on automatic, and actually take back control, drive on, and create the movements towards my goals.

So, this is a letter to me- published nice and publicly so I have no excuse to do it again :)

After mentally flipping myself back onto realising how much I've achieved and how much I have to grateful for in my life I'm now full of energy, raring to go, smiling, and relaxed... after one afternoon. People may call it 'placebo' or short term or forced, but in myself I know that this time I'm sorted. I know where I'm mentally meant to be and between this book and my own drive I know I'll keep it there just to enjoy these moments, the lulls, to live and not just to survive, and to not waste days waiting.

A friend once said to me it's sad that all we ever really have is time, and we're constantly losing it.

If that doesn't give us a kick up the butt, I don't know what will.... :)

If you fancy a look the link to the first 10 chapters heres the link to download them for free
It's helped me so much- who knows who else it could help :)

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  1. Hi Makenna, I have nominated you for the Liebster Award!


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