Lets get socialised


Okay so LA is awesome, and crazy hot! Shops are literally keeping their doors closed to keep the heat out & the air con in- really makes me laugh because we're the complete opposite in England- slightest bit of sun and we're all out trying to soak it up.

Even in just the day I've been here exploring I've found so many differences between England and LA, but the biggest one I've noticed? Man, they love to talk here.

At home, on the tube or even just walking around we avoid eye contact, close off our body language, and live alongside each other without acknowledging one another. A friend of mine laughed at me recently because I told him I smile at people on the tube- he said 'you are that one crazy person on the train'... I'm only smiling!!! It's not like I'm violating someone's personal space, or asking insanely personal questions- I'm merely acknowledging that we made eye contact- and the majority seem to get really bothered by it! Most of the time people just stare back at me, or look away as quickly as humanly possible whilst giving me odd sidewards glances to check if I'm still looking at them (The fact I know that suggests that I am.... maybe I am a bit strange?), but sometimes, rarely, I get a smile back. That is hard work guys- all of that emotional 'what if they think I'm weird' for the sake of a smile- brightening up someone's day.

Whereas here in LA, if you stand still for a couple of seconds, people are asking if you're okay, asking where you're from because of your accent, eager to know more about England. A man in a queue started talking to us about Stonehenge, asking us what it was like and actually took a genuine interest. It's so lovely! See I'm personally a talker, once I start on something it's just a constant trail of thought falling out of my head in some conversational way and I feel like I'm now experiencing what it's like when you first meet me!

Why have we got to the point that it's odd to start a conversation with a stranger? Why is there something that stops us from just saying 'Hi' and makes us walk along with our heads down, ignoring passers by? I'm not saying on your commute from London make friends with everyone, but maybe when you catch someones' eye on the tube give them a smile- happiness is contagious, what better gift could you give someone?

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